Nike Women's Fitness 5K - June 2010

Nike Women's Fitness 5K - June 2010
Walked this course in 2009 - walked and partially ran the course in 2010.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Day One - C25K

Monday was my first day running.  C25K is short for "Couch to 5K" and it is a wonderful program designed to help you learn, gradually, to run a full 5K course.  I found a podcast to download to my ipod that helps to guide you through the steps by alternating a 60 second run with a 90 second walk the first week and gradually increasing the running interval each week, all set to music.  We live in the mountains, and so it seemed that all the "running" periods ended up being on the hilly parts of our road, which added to the challenge of learning to do this.  But after running the program both Monday and today (Wednesday) I have found that so far my body seems to be handling this drastic change in exercise quite well with just a bit of joint pain in my inner thighs.

Blogging this journey, or blogging at all, is a new experience for me - I hope you can bear with me!  My daughter and husband are the writers in our family.  Blogging, for me, is a tedious and difficult process, maybe even more tedious and difficult than learning to run! 

I made the mistake of not journaling my weight loss surgery journey by creating a blog.  I wish I had now.  Since this is the newest "adventure" of my life, learning to be a runner, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to journal my joys, my triumphs, and my discouragements and set-backs.

So...thank you for your patience with me as I grow into both being a runner and a writer at the same time!

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